Multi-Domain Smart Safety Helmet
rider safety enhancement, Accelerometer, impact detection, emergency notifications, GSM technology, GPS integration, scalable sensor, accident prevention, helmet compliance, alcohol detection, multi- domain application, sensor technology, motorcycle safety, ESP-Now Protocol, ESP32, IoT, Smart safety helmetAbstract
Motorcycle accidents and head injuries are critical concerns globally, especially where helmet non-compliance is prevalent. To address this, a multi-domain smart safety helmet is proposed for rider safety and accident prevention through advanced sensor technology. This smart helmet integrates sensors like an MQ-3 alcohol sensor and helmet detection sensors to ensure safety conditions before the motorcycle engine starts. If alcohol levels exceed a threshold, the ignition system disables, preventing intoxicated riding. Helmet detection promotes helmet use, reducing head injury risk. The scalable sensor infrastructure enables multi-domain applications beyond motorcycles. This helmet can integrate into industries like coal mining and firefighting. In coal mining, it monitors environmental conditions and worker vital signs. In firefighting, it detects hazardous gases and monitors firefighter status. During motorcycle operation, the helmet continuously monitors critical parameters—speed, tilt, and environment—providing immediate feedback on unsafe behaviours. In accidents, the helmet's accelerometer detects impacts, activating GPS to pinpoint the location and GSM to alert emergency contacts. This smart helmet aims to enhance motorcycle safety, prevent accidents, and expedite emergency responses. It represents progress towards reducing motorcycle-related injuries and fatalities, with adaptable features for broader safety applications across industries and domains.
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